Pros & Cons of Bareback Sex.
Below is a brief listing of some of the most common pros and cons about bareback sex and although they are very generalized, these are just a few of the reasons individuals use when deciding if bareback sex is the right choice for them.
Risky and may expose the bottom or top to STIs (Sexually
Transmitted Infections.
HIV (and STI) can be spread through risky sexual behavior such as
bareback sex.
PrEP has been shown to be 99% effective in preventing HIV but it is not 100% effective.
Commons STIs associated with bareback sex include herpes, HPV, hepatitis B, syphilis, gonorrhea and Chlamydia.
Tears or cuts in the anal lining can expose the top or bottom to STI infection including HIV.
The CDC recommends that condoms should be used to protect against sexually transmitted diseases even if one or more sexual partners are on PrEP.
Bareback sex is less inhibited and sexually freeing.
Bareback sex allows those involved to connect on a more meaningful level with their sexual partners.
The excitement of bareback sex involves knowing another person’s semen is inside of you.
Bareback sex may be less stressful due to both parties agreeing to bareback.
Bareback sex may help those in a relationship to feel closer to one another.
Bareback sex is less complicated that protected sex and allows a more fluid sexual dynamic.
Bareback Sex Tips.
Get Tested for STIs Regularly.
Regular (once every 3 months) testing for STIs can not only show that you are being responsible about your sexual practices to potentially partners but, will also enable any STI you may have contracted to be discovered and treated as quickly as possible to reduce any possible long-term medical issues.