Preventative Medication.
There are a range of preventative medications available for individuals wanting to have safer sex without the use of condoms or other barriers, that can protect a person against a range of STIs including HIV.
PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a type of medication a person can take to prevent HIV infection if at risk due to having regular bareback sex, you think you may be having bareback sex with a partner who is HIV positive or, if you or your sexual partner is having bareback sex with other people.
When taken correctly, PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV by roughly 99%.
In addition to PrEP there are also vaccines available for several STIs including types of hepatitis and HPV.
Bareback Sex Tips.
If you are HIV+ engage in “TaSP”.
TaSP (or Treatment as Prevention) is a term used to describe HIV+ who are taking anti-retroviral medications to suppress their viral loads to an undetectable level where it is impossible to transmit HIV to their sexual partners, even when practicing bareback sex.